The next generation of seedlings are planted in vast quantities and grown in the protection of greenhouses until strong enough to transfer to the forest. 
Once the young saplings are established enough, they are transferred to the forest. 
Areas around the young trees are cleared and any unhealthy saplings are removed. The clearance is considered carefully to leave enough deadwood and thicket in place to encourage biodiversity.  
After around 10 years of growth, the smaller trees or "Thinning's" are removed from the stand. This is the first commercial thinning, and it provides light and space for the remaining trees.  
Once the stand has reached maturity (after around 70 years) the growth rate slows. This is when the final felling takes place.  
The cycle begins again with preparation of the soil. The objective is to create ideal conditions for root growth while minimising disturbance to the forest floor. 


Ellpro Timber Ltd recognise our responsibility to the environment, our customers and suppliers. We base our commercial activities on legal and well-managed forests. 
As such we are committed to procuring timber and timber products from independently verified sources. We recognise that the independent, third party certification of forests and the supply chain is the optimal way of gaining assurances that the timber we trade originates from legal and well-managed forests. 
To this end we have achieved Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) / Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Chain of Custody Certification (COC) for a range of products we manufacture and purchase. 
We source our raw materials from certified suppliers where possible. We actively encourage and support all our suppliers to go through the certification process and to increase the volume of certified material traded. 

Ellpro Timber Ltd Sourcing Policy. 

Ellpro Timber Ltd is committed to responsible sourcing of timber products and is committed to ensuring that the timber it sources is legally harvested and traded and is not associated with deforestation or human rights abuses. 
1. Legal Compliance 
Ellpro Timber Ltd will only source timber from legally harvested and traded sources. We will comply with all relevant legislation, including the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and the UK Timber Regulation (UKTR), to ensure that our timber supply chain is free from illegal timber. 
2. Responsible Forest Management 
Ellpro Timber Ltd will strive to support responsible forest management and will seek to source timber from well-managed and certified forests. We will work with our suppliers to promote sustainable forestry practices and encourage the use of certified timber, such as FSC or PEFC. 
3. Avoidance of Deforestation 
Ellpro Timber Ltd will not knowingly source timber products that contribute to deforestation or forest degradation. We will work to identify and avoid sourcing from high-risk areas, such as forests with high conservation value or areas undergoing conversion to other land uses. 
4. Respect for Human Rights 
Ellpro Timber Ltd is committed to respecting human rights and will not source timber products from countries that engage in human rights abuses. We will work with our suppliers to promote respect for human rights, including the rights of indigenous and local communities. 
5. Transparency and Traceability 
Ellpro Timber Ltd will maintain transparent and traceable supply chains for all timber products. We will seek to understand the origins of all timber products we source and work with our suppliers to ensure that this information is available and verifiable. 
6. Continuous Improvement 
Ellpro Timber Ltd is committed to continuous improvement of its timber sourcing practices. We will regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure that they remain up-to-date and effective in addressing the challenges associated with responsible timber sourcing. 

Timber Development UK 

Ellpro Timber Ltd is a member of Timber Development UK. As global leaders in sustainability, this organisation works around the world to promote best practices across the supply chain, all the way from forest through to end product. This includes promoting strong, sensible timber regulations in the UK as a net importer of timber, and helping countries around the globe improve their practices. As members, Ellpro Timber is committed to the TDUK code of conduct which ensures professional standards throughout our working practices. 

Dastra European Panels 

As Ellpro Timbers' primary supplier of European panels we have always been delighted with Dastra's continuous policy of finding ways to reduce the environmental impact of their manufacturing process. Over the years, they have led the way with initiatives to increase sustainability and reduce CO² emissions. Since the middle of 2022 they have solely used 100% green electricity, allowing them to acquire internationally approved certification. By transitioning to sustainable operations, Dastra are showing by example, how importantly they take the responsibility of a cleaner environment.